17 May 2024

School Council Wellbeing Day

School Council Wellbeing Day

The school council, led by Amelie in Year 8, organised a well-being day for the entire school. In assembly, pupils were reminded that it’s essential to get your five-a-day when it comes to food, but incorporating the “MAGIC” five-a-day (Mindfulness, Active, Generous, Interested, Connected) can also contribute to lifting your mood and supporting your mental wellbeing.

As part of the “MAGIC” initiative, pupils participated in morning reflections where they wrote down three things they were grateful for on paper leaves. These leaves were then delivered to the Willow.

The Willow serves as our main wellbeing hub, providing a safe space for children to reflect, find calm, and talk to an adult if needed. The name “Willow” was chosen because the willow tree symbolises the ability to withstand hardship, loss, and difficult emotions. The leaves, representing hope, will create a display in the Willow, featuring selections from Nursery to Year 8.

The school council planned a whole school picnic. The team at Thomas Franks under Chef Paul’s guidance, created a substantial ploughman’s-styled picnic complete with pickled onions, chunks of cheese & frittata. The idea was for everyone from Nursery to Year 8 to enjoy sitting outside and sharing lunch as a community “Connecting” outside. Unfortunately, it was wet again and only Nursery children braved the elements, having their picnic outside. 

After the lunch break, it was the “Active” part of MAGIC and pupils could choose from sports or creative activities. Those opting for creative activities participated in mindfulness colouring, key ring making from clay, sand art, and a dance-themed yoga session. And those who participated in the sports activities played cricket, rounders, or took part in a swimming gala. Our Pre-Prep children had an uplifting singing workshop with Dr Lewington and a lesson in dad dancing!


Wellbeing Day