Art plays an important role at Westbrook Hay. It is not just about splashing paint onto paper but is seen as a skill which helps to develop and improve so much about a child. It builds on a child’s ability to reflect and act creatively, using a multi-sensory approach as a process of self discovery.
The pupils at Westbrook Hay have specialist Art lessons for 1 hour per week. In addition to their lessons the pupils get many other opportunities to further their interest in Art and Design; for example there are specialist scholarship lessons every week. There are also extra Art activities on a Thursday as well as an Art Club after school on a Tuesday.
All children from Year 1 upwards have access, as required, to the new Art studio which provides an exciting and stimulating environment in which to work. Children also have access to a wide range of specialist equipment, including a new kiln, and have the space in which to express themselves through their work. Each half term the pupils work in a different medium and lessons include drawing, painting, pottery, collage, sculpture, textiles and printing.
Art develops creativity which can spill over into so many other subject areas. Therefore Art is also taught in its cultural context and is often linked to other activities such as field work in the grounds, to give but one example.
Our art exhibition has become an important annual event and is an opportunity for all the pupils' art work to be celebrated.