
  • Please register now if you are looking for a place in Reception 2025 - children who are registered will be invited to attend a taster session during September or October 2024.
  • Please also register for places for Year 7, 8 and 9 in September 2025 - Assessments will take place in November 2024.
  • We do have limited spaces in other year groups  - please contact the admissions team for further information.

Children's names will be added to the list once a completed registration form, £120 (£100+VAT) fee, and a copy of the most up-to-date school report are received. To be completed by those with parental responsibility for the child. 

Please contact:

Kate Woodmansee,
Director of Marketing and Admissions
+44 (0)1442 256143

Child Details

Special Educational Needs
Are there any circumstances or conditions relating to your child of which the school should be aware?
Your Child's Current School
Parent 1 Details
Parent 2 Details
Nursery Entry
If the application is for Nursery entry - please state sessions required.
Scholarships and Bursaries
Details of the arrangements of test for scholarships will be sent on expression of interest. Scholarships are awarded in recognition of excellence. Applicants may apply for bursaries as well as scholarships.