Westbrook Hay School Catering
We are extremely proud of the catering at Westbrook Hay and also of the quality of the food served to our children. Breakfast is served everyday and lunch is served in three sittings.
- Week one of our menu cycle operates from the beginning of term and the first week back after half term
- A selection of seasonal vegetables is served daily to compliment the hot choices.
- Gluten and dairy free options are available daily.
- We do not use nuts in school at all, or products where nuts could be present. We also avoid sesame seeds
- During winter soup is served daily. At least twice a week there will be a gluten and dairy free option
- Light bites are available daily including pasta or jacket potatoes
- Prep School children are invited to visit the salad bar as part of their meal. Vegetable crudities are available on the table for the Pre-Prep children
- Fresh fruit will be available for morning break alongside a homemade snack.
- Hot puddings or cold desserts are available on a daily basis with gluten and dairy free options.
- Our catering assistants are very helpful and have a list of all children with dietary requirements. However, lunchtimes are very busy so please encourage your child to remind us of any special dietary requirements so we can ensure they have a suitable meal.
Catering Policy
Example menu - Summer Term Week 1