Choosing a school for your child can be a difficult decision and at Westbrook Hay we aim to introduce you to the large whole school family which exists here. The children are taught in our fabulous Pre-Prep building that offers wonderful facilities in light spacious classrooms. Although the children are always aware that they are part of a larger school.
The Pre-Prep at Westbrook Hay gives the younger children their all important introduction to the learning environment from the age of three to the conclusion of Year 2 at 7 years of age.
The Foundation Stage begins when the children reach of the age of three and covers the Nursery and Reception classes. It follows a curriculum which encompasses the recommended targets for this age group as set out in the Foundation Curriculum and provides a sound basis for future learning when the children enter Key Stage One during Year One.
From an early age the children are encouraged to take part in school productions; including assemblies to parents and the whole school, an annual dance display and nativity and end of year productions.
The children are taught by specialist teachers in Physical Education and Dance, where they develop and express themselves through dance, movement, balance and ball skills.
The Pre-Prep is divided into our nursery class, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
The children are three years old when they join. In nursery the children learn through play and the opportunity to interact with their peers. Variety and stimulation are the key values and the children benefit from a small, attentive environment. Their day is divided into morning and afternoon sessions.
As the children get older in nursery and they reach their fourth birthday the day is divided into sessions, but the children may well be building up their sessions in preparation for a smooth transition into Reception. The children receive a more structured approach to their nursery education as the foundations for numeracy and literacy are established, while the joy of creativity is still a constant theme.
The children will become familiar with the phonics system that is used in both Reception and Year One, giving a firm foundation for reading.