Children progress from the Pre-Prep to join the Prep in Year 3. The breadth of the curriculum is maintained, but there is also the opportunity for more sport and a greater variety of extra-curricular activities. Prep forms are located in a purpose-built building which boasts spacious classrooms equipped with interactive white boards, an art studio and a bespoke Design and Technology workshop.
Years 3 & 4
Moving to Year 3 is a challenging and exciting time; a time of many changes and development. Handwriting continues to be consistently neat and joined. Pen licences are prestigiously awarded for achievement in this area.

Independence skills and self organisation are prominent aspects of our curriculum with children learning to take responsibility for their own reading books, completing homework and changing for games. Assemblies continue to reward excellence in behaviour and achievement. We enjoy a range of wonderful trips and welcome visitors to support and reinforce all areas of our curriculum.
Whilst children are encouraged to work hard and achieve their best, they have great fun and happy learning experiences on their school journey!
The main focus in Year 4 is to continue to develop the skills and foundations set throughout Prep whilst making the learning journey an exciting and enjoyable one. The children are encouraged to become independent learners and are also prepared for the future move into Year 5 where their day will be slightly different.
A highlight to our year is our production, where Year 4 play the lead roles with great confidence and enjoyment.

Years 5 & 6
When the children move into Year 5 at the age of 9, lessons are taught by subject, rather than class based teaching.
Some streaming takes place as your child moves into Year 5. This is based on maths, English and science results, although there is some movement between specific subjects to suit every child’s needs.
Our aim is to fully prepare your children for their most appropriate academic step into senior.
To this end, specialist teachers will oversee your child’s development, and the following subjects form the foundation of our curriculum: English, Mathematics, Science, French, Spanish, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Art, Music, Information & Communications Technology, Design & Technology, Physical Education & Games and PSHE & Citizenship .
There continues to be a full programme of class and year-group outings, events and visits for both enjoyment and to consolidate your children’s learning, including: historical, geographical, scientific and religious visits and experiences, theatre and museum trips, plus orienteering and camping.
There is also an opportunity for the pupils to visit France where they will have the experience of a week of intensive French language and culture. Additionally, there are school plays, assembly dramas, instrumental and choral music concerts to both participate in and enjoy.