
Outdoor Classroom

We are very excited about our outdoor classroom which was opened in September 2019.  Click here to find out more.



Extra Curricular

The children are able to benefit from some wonderful extra activities whilst in Pre-Prep. They can have ballet lessons, Street Dance,TaeKwon-do, musical theatre, musical instrumental lessons with one the peripatetic staff, sports club and also have drama lessons.

Parents as Partners

At Westbrook Hay we believe that parents are the first and most influential teachers that their children will have. We therefore endeavour to form meaningful and effective partnerships with parents to ensure their child’s successful learning and happiness. This process begins before the children join us by various methods including; personal contact through siblings already with us; invitations to open days and special events (such as the very successful Teddy Bear’s Picnic); parents' meetings as part of the induction programme; information from the school prospectus and the school website.

Once a child has joined us the partnership is developed further by daily contact between the teacher and parents in the classroom. Parents are welcomed to bring their child in to the classroom at the beginning of the day. Progress is reported through a Christmas and summer written report and parents consultation evenings in the Christmas and Easter terms.

The effectiveness of the early years foundation is outstanding. The quality of the provision is outstanding.  Through excellent understanding of differing developmental stages and careful observations, staff plan challenging and enjoyable work for each child across all learning areas.

Independent Schools Inspectorate, 2011.