The Remote Learning Programme

During March 2020 it became apparent, as the Coronavirus pandemic became more widespread, that schools may well have to have a period of closure.  We set up a small team of experienced teachers across the school to develop a remote learning programme that would come into play as soon as the school was required to close. 

Our aims were to provide:
• A continuous education for your children during this ongoing school closure;
• A timetable that suits the needs of our children, enables family life at home to be as easy to organise as possible and perhaps, most importantly, remains academically rigorous;
• Easy to use communication links between parents and teachers and children and teachers;
• Technical support for parents;
• A programme that mixes time behind a screen, with time away from a screen;
• Pastoral support for your child as well as academic support.

Although the restrictions proved to be a very challenging time for our children, parents and staff, who had to adopt to a new way of learning, these challenges developed the resilience of all in our community. 

Our children learnt how to manage their time, work independently, become expert with technology and continue to learn with their teachers and classmates in live lessons.  Our children from Reception to Year 8 followed their timetable and covered the curriculum in full over the term.  They used a mixture of resources from Firefly, Google Classroom, Seesaw, Zoom, Mathletics and worksheets keeping them engaged and motivated.

The children had the benefit of being able to work with their classmates in Zoom lessons, interact with one another, ask questions and complete progress tests.   The teachers spoke with the children and the parents ensuring that any difficulties experienced could be overcome.   The social interaction with friends and teachers proved to be invaluable during the lock down period.

Our school ethos ‘to provide the best for and expect the best from all of us’, was evident throughout this period.  Having provided the best Remote Learning Programme, we have also expected the best from our staff and children.  This has been extremely reassuring for our parents who have been wonderfully supportive and appreciative.   Some of the work produced by the children during this period has been exceptional.  So much so we have shared this work in a gallery called Lockdown Lights.