We were delighted to welcome so many parents to the school to share our curriculum dance display. Performing Arts plays an integral part in our curriculum and the children’s development, and we wanted to take this opportunity to share it with you.
Performing Arts are taught across the school, with a special focus on dance and movement from Nursery through to Year 2, transitioning into performing arts/drama in Year 3. Next year, Year 3 will continue their Dance lessons and begin Drama lessons. Dance and movement techniques help children identify with and explore how to express themselves in a non-verbal way. It creates an environment where children gain confidence in their bodies and explore all the different ways they could use them to create movement or dance. Movement and basic dance sequences support coordination and gross motor skills.
We introduced Rambert Contemporary Grades to the curriculum this year, and the children follow this syllabus in preparation for potential exam work in the future. Rambert Grades is a pioneering contemporary dance syllabus born from the partnership between two of the world’s leading contemporary dance organizations: Rambert and Rambert School. Our Senior dance team also follow Rambert Grades as a framework and the quality of the performance was exceptional.
Across eleven grades, the syllabus offers students the opportunity to develop lifelong skills. Rambert Grades encourage young people to own their individuality, be playful, work presently, think independently, relate with others, and have confidence in decision-making while learning and embodying our three strands: Technique, Performance, and Creative. The Rambert Grades syllabus is progressive and inclusive, designed to be accessible to people from all backgrounds. Rambert Grades teachers are taught to promote a safe environment where physical explorations can exist without rigidity, yet with focus, discipline, and collaboration. Pupils are seen as individuals and encouraged to express themselves.