Our Year 6 play has been an absolute triumph this year! Mrs Bennett was undeterred by the many restrictions that have been in place or by the terrible weather causing a delay in opening on 21st June – the show must go on! 36 performers and 12 crew members have been rehearsing for several months for a promenade performance of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. The beautiful grounds of the school provided the perfect backdrop for Titania, Oberon and Puck to weave their magic while star-crossed lovers fell in and out of love in the different locations. The parents commented on the playful atmosphere and were thrilled to be able to enjoy and watch the talent and confidence of their children. One of the parents commented -
“I just wanted to share how absolutely blown away we were by the play today, the standard genuinely took us back and all aspects integrated into the outside ‘sets’ worked an absolute charm.”