Living Streets Walk to School Week May 16-20 2022
Living Streets is a national walking charity. Walk to School Week featured staff led Walking Buses from Little Hay Golf Complex and the Boxmoor Trust Centre Car Park.
Parents were invited to Park and Stride daily from the Old Barn car park and The Horsebox Cafe was open daily from 7.45am for a morning coffee and croissant.
Thank you for taking part!
The following statistics are based on the morning journey into school and take into consideration the number of children who travelled in this week on the Shuttle or School Minibus:
Total number of children who participated over the week
Total number of child journeys made
Number of drive car journeys saved
Parents who walked (based on 1 per family)
Walking Bus
% participation
Park and Stride
% participation
Emissions Saved
Total % participation
2.3% tonne
To summarise, 16% of children joined the walking bus on one or more days over the course of the week resulting in a 5% reduction of cars on the morning drive run. This equates to an saving of approximately 23274gm of CO2. An additional 5% of cars parked at the Old Barn with a 9% participation in Park and Stride resulting in an overall reduction of cars coming onto the school site of 10% and a total of 25% of children taking part. 20% of parents joined the morning walk followed by a cup coffee and a croissant (115 were eaten last week!) at the Horsebox Café.
In total approximately 35 miles were walked by the children over the course of the week.
Little Hay Walking Bus
The Walking Bus from Little Hay Golf Complex will continue throughout this term. Parents are very welcome to join this bus at any time, either to accompany their children to walk in with siblings/children in Nursery or Reception. Please complete the Walking Bus Form in My School Portal for all children in Year 1 and above.
Park and Stride
We also hope you will continue to ‘Park and Stride’ from the Old Barn. Please let us know if you do.
WOW 'walk through time' badge design competition.
Our amazing WOW entries by Harry, Reyaansh and Callan.